Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Georgia Part 2

Since we were already over that way, David's work asked us to work for a few days over there. Being the southern belle I am, and the pride that comes with that, I was thrilled to hear we were going to Savannah. David's work was pretty simple and blessed with success. So we headed to the hotel, the kids were thrilled because it is October and they spotted an indoor swimming pool. I wanted to see the city though while we had day light. So off we went. We drove the downtown then paid for parking two blocks from our hotel (lol) We had no idea how close we were. Then we got on the public bus and headed for park. The ride was great, we love public transportation in other cities! The bus driver went out of the way to be nice to the children. They played on a great playground then we started to stroll. Which lead to a huge fountain. We missed the bus by 20 seconds and worked very hard to keep A&C happy and on the same corner for thankfully only 15 minutes. We were happy to see the same nice bus driver. It was a different route back to the car so we enjoyed the ride once again. We walked to a cute little pizza place at The Market, Connor cried most of the time. He doesn't handle the stress of being in public for long. This is just as hard on mama. We headed back for the hotel me and EG went for a bike ride in the gym, while daddy and A&C swam. The kids had a hard time going to sleep somewhere new and at almost 3 AM everyone closed their eyes. The next morning we slept through breakfast go figure! We then headed out for some shopping then ate lunch at a cute Mexican place with a patio mostly to ourselves. That afternoon we spent on Tybee island. I could of stayed a week. It was simple, it was beautiful, different, peaceful, and I could keep going. The kids played so well together and Connor was so happy it was good for the soul. We then went to a little ice cream shop and they inhaled some chocolate waffle cones. We wanted to stay but wanted home. Since David worked so quickly we didn't feel right about making his work get another hotel bill. So, at 5pm on the Atlantic coast we say let's just go home. We stopped back by to see The Hudson's and let the kids play basketball. We rolled into our driveway sometime after 1am. And crashed. Our whirlwind trip was a blast, mixed with stress, with thankfulness for my family. Especially that they sleep well at home :)

Georgia Part One

So last two weeks Addison has been in Fall Break from school. So we headed over to Georgia to see the wonderful Holly and play at the fair. EG spent the evening with her GA grandmother who she adores, and we headed to the fair. The kids had a wonderful time. From ridding rides, food, face painting, watching a circus, some more food, the petting zoo, and most importantly laughing. It was a blast to go out with the "big kids". I know you think I am crazy for calling a four year old and two year old big ;) I love seeing Holly and her family. We didn't have family around growing up but we always had The Hudson's!

Here we goooo!

My first official blog!! Well first I will you the highlight of my day. At lunch today I am sitting in my chair, Con is beside me and EG is on the other side of me in her highchair. My food is getting cold as I assist them in eating lunch. EG is still on baby food and Connor just wanted some ramen and a sandwich.(I say this because he needs help with eating ramen) Well I scoop of a big bite of baby food on EG's spoon and air planed it over to ... Connor's mouth. He took it like a champ and I instantly said "Oh Connor, I am so sorry!" He sourly swallowed and simply said.."My food next time mama" Oh that boy is so wild he makes me pull out my hair. But I am so smitten with that edible face and big brown eyes!

Life at home has been.. BUSY! We have our house on the market with BIG faith in God it will all work out. This has been no easy task in my house, no one has down time from David to my Mama! Getting the house ready was... Exhausting. We still have some little projects to do, But pictures are taken, and a sign in the yard. Who knows if it will sell, But God has got a plan!

Next chnace I get I want to post about last week's GA visit. Thanks for reading.. :) I will post pictures as well.. But I have NO photo's on my new laptop so I need to get a loading!