Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We started school.. 

This came with a thousand emotions for me. With the emotions aside of this is not what we planned.. Where we live and are attending. God has us where we are for a reason. 

We went with Trinity with little thought. David attended before he was homeschooled. You walk into the doors and feel the love for the children. I really feel like this is the right choice for Addison. 

All summer she would ask is it time for Trinity yet? Well now the time is here! She is a Kindergarten getting up at 6:30am, uniform wearing, backpack carrying little girl.

Now it is the school year. This is going to be hard work but a blast. From school, gymnastics, KM for the younger two, bible study, and wednesday night church. Bring on the crockpot and long days. 

C'mon fall time, apple candles, Auburn football and the windows open.